Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The power of habit

Quickly read a translated book called "The power of habit" today, I decide to write something about my thought.  I have long believed that good habits will shape the thoughts and characters of a person.  A proverb, don't remember who said, but I believed is "a action will become a habit, a habit will become a character, a character will become a success".  This book spurs my action immediately.  This post.

To create a new habit to overcome an old habit. I think that I should take some actions. One step at a time.  The following is a short list of what I don't like to do but I thought it should be good to do.

* get up earlier, at least no late than 8am (I get up at around 9am everyday, too late)
* write something/blog everyday (I don't like writing since I was a kid)
* my own business plan and action (I have planned for a long time but the action is far behind the plan)

To encourage myself, I listed some of good habits I recently created.

* exercise everyday (running, weight, or ab)
* have breakfast
* eat less in dinner time
* weight watching
* reading books

I'll start with get-up earlier and writing at first. Let me insist for at least 21 days and see the results.

To do something that you usually hate to do.  Like reviewing my writing, I hate it but I just did it with this post and it is really useful to correct the errors.  I just remember an episode in "Seinfield" that George decide to do the opposite of what his initial response.  It's funny and interesting.  His anti-self action landed him a dreaming job in NY Yankee and a girlfriend. :-)  The reality may not be that dramatic, but we could at least learn something from it.

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