Friday, November 27, 2009

Well done work

I have done a good job today.  It wraps a good week of hard work for me.

I have successfully created a new svn branch, and delivered all my changes to support the new chips into the new branch.  I had been working on the changes in my local git tree this week. I have also figured out the kernel linking problem of overlapping .bss section and .text section.  .BSS section contains uninitialized static variables and .TEXT section is used to store code instructions.  The kernel has two configuration variables to specify the starting address of these two sections.  I just moved the addresses and the job is done.

I have also fixed the symlink creation in kernel to support the new chip, by adding directory skeleton structure of csp and generalize the function in makefile. So, the overriding mechanism of kernel configuration files should be in place now.

As the main maintainer of the new branch, to ensure the new branch is developed smoothly, I'd monitor it with automated tools, including:

* coding style check
* dos ending check
* license scanner
* auto build and nightly build
* pay attention to the configuration changes

The future work includes:

* synchronization with SV's development
* buildroot cortex-a9 toolchain
* simple hello_world program for csp
* kernel code coding style clean up
* upgrade kernel version to the latest
* create a kernel version of the nightly git tree to make sure our code will survive the kernel development

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