Monday, November 23, 2009

ebook readers

[UPDATE: Dec. 15, 2009]: I have accumulated enough airmiles, so I have ordered my first ebook reader.  I am waiting for the delivery now.  I hope it may come before the new year, so that I can enjoy my reading during the holiday season.

I have added an ebook reader to my wish list.  Coincidentally, last Saturday's Vancouver Sun has a comparison of various ebook readers, including Amazon's Kindle and Sony PRS-600.

All popular book readers nowadays are using the EInk technology.  The EInk display technology can display content using no power.  The only power is used when you change the content displayed.  So, it is perfect for a book reader, as you won't need to display dynamic content very often.  The latest EInk display supports up to 8 degree of gray scale, which makes it possible to display some graphs or photos.

My choice for now is the Sony PRS-600. It is the second generation of Sony's ebook reader. I have done some research on this device.  The touchscreen really rocks. It also has SD card slot, which I can store a lot of books for reading. The built-in dictionary is also a must-have feature to me.  I've ruled out the PRS-300 version as it has no built-in dictionary support.

Compare to Kindle 2, the Sony eReader supports PDF format, and more other text formats. Kindle 2 is cool with wireless transmission, but I think that it won't be too much useful for me, as I have already downloaded tons of ebooks in PDF or other formats.  Kindle DX would be good to read newspapers, however, it is too expensive and too big to carry around easily.

I am accumulating airmiles to redeem my eBook reader.  It's only about 500 miles away from my first ebook reader. I am really anticipating it.

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