Monday, November 23, 2009

Zoe's Tale

I finished reading the fourth book of the "Old man's war" series - "Zoe's Tale", written by John Scalzi.  Zoe is the adopted daughter of the "Old man", John Perry.  This novel describes the story happened in the same storyline of the "The last colony", just from Zoe's perspective.  My first impression is that it's like the "Ender's shadow" to the "Ender's game".  Exactly, the author mentioned the "Ender's shadow" at the epilogue of the book. He also mentioned another novel in the same style as the "Ender's shadow", which I don't remember.

"Zoe's tale" revealed some hidden plot lines that not elaborated in "The last colony". I am mostly interested in the part about the Consu and the journey of Zoe to the Conclave.  The Consu alien is one of most interesting alien races depicted in all the sci-fi books I've read.  It's a race that worship fighting, with advanced technology.  But they fight with other races with fair technology. So, the fighting is like part of their life.

The series of the "Old man's war" is not bad.  Among the four books, I love the "Old man's war" most, and "The last colony" followed. I love the concept of implant the Brainpal computer into your brain and you can communicate with it at anytime.  That's one of my most wanted feature in the future, if possible. :-)

I am working on another classic war sci-fi book, "The forever war".

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