Sunday, November 29, 2009

Chinese traditional wisdom of life influencers

I read a blog post today regarding the Chinese traditional wisdom of life influencer.

It says:

One is fate, two is luck, three is fengshui;
Four is good merit, five is study;
Six is name, seven is looking, eight is god worship;
Nine is making friends with good persons, ten is health.

In the original form:


This little poem is the concentrated old wisdom of Chinese about what may impact your life.
They are ordered in the poem.  I think the order represents either the importance or the weight of the influence factors.

The explanation:

1. People are born in different time and place in the world. Your life won't be easy if you are born in a poor country or in a troubled zone.  You can't change where and when you were born.  So, it is the number one.

2. Someone has good luck and someone has not. You don't know and you can't control your luck anyway. Without luck, you life may be full of obstacles.  You may be just lucky to win something or not losing something.  You can't control it, either.

3. Fengshui is everywhere.  You don't want to go to "bad" places very often.  I believe it is more about your environment. A good living environment can be very beneficial.  You may choose where  you live.  You may get more opportunities living in a big city like Beijing, Shanghai, New York City, and so on.  Even in one city,  you may choose where you live as well. You have some more control over your life now.

4. To do good things, like donation, helping others, or be kind, will reward you eventually, either materially or spiritual. This is what you can do in your daily life. To help others is like to help yourself.  Our ancestors have long belief in it.

5. To study and learn, this is what you can also do to change your life.  A lot of people have changed their by studying. You may not be excellent academically, but you have to learn more than just knowledge in books.  To obtain more knowledge is what emphasized in this point.

6. Your name may affect your life.  It may be true somehow. Your name is the first impression to others. It will accompany your whole life and used by others mostly.

7. Your looking, your body shape, your standing/seating pose, etc. are the next important things that may affect your life.  It is absolutely true.  Good-looking people usually get more opportunities than others. But you can change it yourselves by doing exercise, by beautify your face.

8. God worship is somehow interesting.  Although I am not a Christian, I sometimes do believe there may be some god some where who is overseeing what we are doing in every moment.  To worship a God, you may not do something bad, I think.  Otherwise, you may do anything you want without any reservation.

9. Making friends with good persons may change your life too.  Friending with bad guys may get yourself into trouble as well.  I guess everyone believe this.

10. Health is the last but not the least thing for your life.  You can't enjoy a quality life if you have no healthy body.

This is the best epitome I recently read.  The traditional wisdom may still serve a good needs in modern society.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Ice Age 2: Meltdown

I watched the movie "Ice Age 2: Meltdown" last night.  It's an interesting animation movie. I've watched the Ice Age 1 before, but not the sequel.

In this movie, Manny found his love and Sid got a lot of followers.

The main plot of the 2 is still a long journey of the friends to seek for an escape of the basin, which will be flooded by the melting ice surround. They met two opossums and another female mammoth Ellie who thought she is an opossum as well. Manny felt the responsibility to save his race and he fell in love with Ellie. The journey is filled with funny stories happened between these two groups and Manny's pursuit of his love, maybe the only possible love. He finally won the heart of Ellie at the end of the movie by saving the life of Ellie from an enclosed cave.

There are also evil part in the movie, but not much. Only two stupid seemingly strong fishes. Anyway, this movie is good for kids, so there shouldn't be much violence.

Sid had a show in this movie as he got a group of followers who worship his ability of making fires. There isn't much show of Diego in this movie.  I thought he had enough performance in the first one anyway.

I read an article the other day about the sequel of movie.  It said that based on two studies of university professors, the sequel movie will usually make 30% more money than a standalone one. It makes sense to me as Hollywood will only create the sequel of a box office winner, not a loser.  So, it already has a good chance of winning again, as the first one has gathered some fans already.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Well done work

I have done a good job today.  It wraps a good week of hard work for me.

I have successfully created a new svn branch, and delivered all my changes to support the new chips into the new branch.  I had been working on the changes in my local git tree this week. I have also figured out the kernel linking problem of overlapping .bss section and .text section.  .BSS section contains uninitialized static variables and .TEXT section is used to store code instructions.  The kernel has two configuration variables to specify the starting address of these two sections.  I just moved the addresses and the job is done.

I have also fixed the symlink creation in kernel to support the new chip, by adding directory skeleton structure of csp and generalize the function in makefile. So, the overriding mechanism of kernel configuration files should be in place now.

As the main maintainer of the new branch, to ensure the new branch is developed smoothly, I'd monitor it with automated tools, including:

* coding style check
* dos ending check
* license scanner
* auto build and nightly build
* pay attention to the configuration changes

The future work includes:

* synchronization with SV's development
* buildroot cortex-a9 toolchain
* simple hello_world program for csp
* kernel code coding style clean up
* upgrade kernel version to the latest
* create a kernel version of the nightly git tree to make sure our code will survive the kernel development

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Messy build

Today's work environment is kinda messy.  I was about to create a new branch this morning to start work on the new chip support.  However, there was one broken build in last night's nightly build.  I was waiting for the developer to fix the problem.  In the mean time, another developer delivered a big change to the Ethernet driver and the build is broken again.  He tried to deliver the fix couple of times.  Only till the late afternoon, the build is finally working.  I have to postpone the creation of the new branch to tomorrow.  I don't want to merge fixes from the mainline to my branch just after the creation.

I am not fruitless today.  I've managed to add our new board support mechanism to the new chip directory.  The new board support mechanism is a beautiful design, with each board only initialize special devices and the common devices are initialized in a common function.  We can also support multiple board in one kernel image by using a smart function alias.

I have tried to enable initramfs and resulted in a linking error of .bss section overlapping with .text section.  I'll have to fix that tomorrow.

The workout this noon is great and I can still feel the soreness of my ab and back muscle right now.  The metabolism has been improved and the calories are still burning. Check out my fitness blog for some more info. Fitness Blog

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Kernel porting and new chip support

It's another busy day today.  I ported our kernel to 2.6.31-rc2, cleaned up drivers, and ported all patches. I can boot to busybox with my 1107 board and ethernet is working fine.  So, basically, I have finished porting to the kernel 2.6.31-rc2.

I then working on the new chip support.  I grabbed the whole set of the maui code.  It basically contains their patches to the kernel and added core code.  I enabled the new chip configuration in our build system and then duplicated the directories and files in the kernel.  By using their default configuration, I can then build the kernel.

Looks like the progress is quite promising.  What's left include:

* use our new board support template and file
* verify the build of initramfs
* verify the kernel configuration, properly split the kernel configuration
* create the new branch and deliver the code
* a possible test on the FPGA with serial port, initramfs

then I'll work on the buildroot toolchain again, to get the cortex-a9 toolchain built on filer and then work on the external eglibc support in buildroot.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Just another busy day

I got up a bit earlier today to pick up my car from the Firestone Tire workshop.  They had replaced the bearing, brake stuff to eliminate the noise I found since last week.  It costs me $600+.  What a costly repair, and I have to replace the timing belt later on, which may cost another $400. Seems I have to drive this car at least one more year, so as not to waste my money spend on the car.

I got the air care checked in the lunch time.  Everything passed.  The carbon is higher than average, which may be a weak point next time.

I renewed the auto insurance after work and bought some grocery then.

What a busy day today!

Actually, I was quite busy today at work and had no time to workout this afternoon.

I cloned the git repository from mobmm group and figured out the baseline of the kernel version they used.  I then ported our patches to the new kernel baseline, in my local git tree.
The porting is done and I am still working on the kernel configuration and cleaning up the added files for the new kernel.  I think I should be able to get 11107 boot to busybox tomorrow.  Then, I can start to port the hana code.

I love git now, although I am not an expert yet.  But git is quite a great tool to manage distributed repositories.  I just haven't had much experience in merging, which is actually the essence of the git.  I mostly use git locally to keep track of the work.  It's convenient to create multiple branches.

Monday, November 23, 2009

ebook readers

[UPDATE: Dec. 15, 2009]: I have accumulated enough airmiles, so I have ordered my first ebook reader.  I am waiting for the delivery now.  I hope it may come before the new year, so that I can enjoy my reading during the holiday season.

I have added an ebook reader to my wish list.  Coincidentally, last Saturday's Vancouver Sun has a comparison of various ebook readers, including Amazon's Kindle and Sony PRS-600.

All popular book readers nowadays are using the EInk technology.  The EInk display technology can display content using no power.  The only power is used when you change the content displayed.  So, it is perfect for a book reader, as you won't need to display dynamic content very often.  The latest EInk display supports up to 8 degree of gray scale, which makes it possible to display some graphs or photos.

My choice for now is the Sony PRS-600. It is the second generation of Sony's ebook reader. I have done some research on this device.  The touchscreen really rocks. It also has SD card slot, which I can store a lot of books for reading. The built-in dictionary is also a must-have feature to me.  I've ruled out the PRS-300 version as it has no built-in dictionary support.

Compare to Kindle 2, the Sony eReader supports PDF format, and more other text formats. Kindle 2 is cool with wireless transmission, but I think that it won't be too much useful for me, as I have already downloaded tons of ebooks in PDF or other formats.  Kindle DX would be good to read newspapers, however, it is too expensive and too big to carry around easily.

I am accumulating airmiles to redeem my eBook reader.  It's only about 500 miles away from my first ebook reader. I am really anticipating it.

Zoe's Tale

I finished reading the fourth book of the "Old man's war" series - "Zoe's Tale", written by John Scalzi.  Zoe is the adopted daughter of the "Old man", John Perry.  This novel describes the story happened in the same storyline of the "The last colony", just from Zoe's perspective.  My first impression is that it's like the "Ender's shadow" to the "Ender's game".  Exactly, the author mentioned the "Ender's shadow" at the epilogue of the book. He also mentioned another novel in the same style as the "Ender's shadow", which I don't remember.

"Zoe's tale" revealed some hidden plot lines that not elaborated in "The last colony". I am mostly interested in the part about the Consu and the journey of Zoe to the Conclave.  The Consu alien is one of most interesting alien races depicted in all the sci-fi books I've read.  It's a race that worship fighting, with advanced technology.  But they fight with other races with fair technology. So, the fighting is like part of their life.

The series of the "Old man's war" is not bad.  Among the four books, I love the "Old man's war" most, and "The last colony" followed. I love the concept of implant the Brainpal computer into your brain and you can communicate with it at anytime.  That's one of my most wanted feature in the future, if possible. :-)

I am working on another classic war sci-fi book, "The forever war".

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Fringe, Sous Vide, and Survivor

I watched 4 episodes of "Fringe" last night. "Fringe" is a Sci-fi Tv series, a sort of "X-files" with a stronger main thread (the pattern) and more open threads.

The main characters consists of a blonde FBI agent, a genius of MIT drop-out, and an old Dr. Frankenstein, who is the father of the genius. They are trying to figure out the reason behind the weird case in each episode, using "fringe" science, developed by Dr. Frankenstein 30 years ago.  There is an unknown "pattern" waved all those cases together.

The plot seems quite complicated with many myth to be discovered, such as the pattern, the secret of agent Scott, the "massive dynamic" company (sounds familiar with the company in Heroes?), etc.
It is an okay Tv series to me.  I would give a 3.5 out of 5. It is not as appealing as the first season of "Heroes".  Maybe it has too many open myth and has confused audiences.
"Fringe" also implies pseudo science here.  Most of the science used in the program to interpret the mystery phenomenon seems a bit too shallow to me. It's so easy to use the science. The writers didn't try to incorporate too much science into the program, after all, it is a sci-fi Tv series, not for real.

Anyway, I may keep watching this Tv series later in the weekend. BTW, the music of Fringe is good, not as scary as the X-Files.

The Vancouver Sun today talks about the "sous vide" cooking method.  "Sous vide" is a cooking method to cook foods sealed in vacuum bags in lukewarm water for a long time.  This method gives chef precise control of the temperature and time in cooking.  It is applauded by a chef as "the future of cooking".  I had heard of this cooking technique before, sounds interesting.  The food cooked by "sous vide" must be very tender with special taste.  I just remembered the way I cooked the "Salty duck" with little boiled water and low oven temperature, which resulted in tender and smooth taste duck.  Aha, I had somehow tested this cooking technique myself. I may employ something from this "future" cooking technique into domestic cooking more. It may be interesting to find out the results.

Last note is about the last episode of "Survivor: samoa" show on Thursday night.  Russell found the 3rd immunity idol.  When I saw that scene, I almost cried out "Unbelievable!".  This guy found 3 idols. It really stirs the tribute vote and makes the show very interesting! When John knew that he was chosen as the false voting target, I knew immediately that he may do something to revenge the other Galu people.  I can sense his fury.  Nobody want to be put into a possible dangerous position, especially without consultation and agreement at first. Russell is a powerful player in this season and the show is fun to watch with this guy.  I really anticipate the next episode.

United Way Week Done

Today is the last day of the United Way week.  We had the Rockband competition this noon.  After my encouragement and repetitively advocate, our team has more than needed players for the Rockband.  Including me, 6 players volunteered to join in our band of the team.  Anyway, our performance is not bad, but we didn't get a high score as we didn't dress up for the Rockband.  It's a lot of fun as you can see a lot of team members come out for this event.

I figured out there is another song of Oasis I knew in the Rockband, besides the "Dead of live" of Bon Jovi.  I may try this one next time.

I played the "toss loonie for liquor" game and I won it again!! I frankly didn't mean to win the game as I had won the liquor last year.  I prepared to toss 10 loonies for the game and was ready to donate all of them.  The first 2 went wildly nowhere, but the 3rd coin got very close to one liquor located in the middle.   I then tossed the 4th one to the bottle on the left. And you know what happened, it made very close to the bottle again.  I thought a bit and decided not to toss my loonie for the 3rd bottle, as I felt that I should give other people chances to win.  What happened next is dramatic.  Ying tossed her 3rd coin and it hit the middle bottle, but then bounced right to the bottom of the 3rd bottle.  Aha, accidental win of her.
I don't know why, maybe I am good at tossing loonie/toonie to win the bottle. :-)
I eventually won 2 out of 3 bottles.

The United Way week has finished today with merely 41% of donors in the office, much less than last year.  The economy crisis really hits us. :-(

(Post for Nov. 20th)

Thursday, November 19, 2009

iPod Shuffle looks cool, but it is just so-so.

I have bought the iPod Shuffle couple of weeks ago as I had won $50 futureshop gift card. So, I am a user of the ipod nano for a couple of weeks now.

I think iPod Shuffle looks cool, but it is not a very quality product.

The good thing of iPod Shuffle.

* It looks good with quality outlook.
* I love the clip. It is easy to clip it on my coat when I was running outside or in the gym.
* VoiceOver is good.  It speaks English as well as Chinese.

The not so good thing.
* The battery is not good.
* The sound quality of headset is not good.
* The inline control is not as good as Apple claimed.  Many times it doesn't work at all.
* The charging is cool but stupid.  Not convenient.  You have to use a PC to charge the battery.

I've also read a lot of post regarding the quality of iPhone.  In general, I fell that Apple's product has cool industrial design and cool outlook.  But the quality is not a strong point of Apple.  They are not designed to be robust or for long life.  They are just consumer product and you have to discard them in 1-2 years.

Other small music player may not be as good as the iPod Shuffle.  The Sandisk's player looks like a cheap product.  Zune has no smaller one. There ain't many choice in this small market segment.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

V 2009

 I just watched the first 3 episodes of the sci-fi Tv drama "V".  It is a remake of the 1984 Tv drama.  Seems that it is popular to remake the classic Tv or Movie recently.  Are those writers out of creativity?

Anyway, this one is okay.  I would give it a score of 3.5 out of 5.

The visitors are not as beautiful as claimed in the program.  They are just normal looking guys/girls. The main thread is their secret plan, which hasn't been revealed.  The people's anti-V organization seems just formed, with one FBI, one priest, one alien, and one punk. They haven't yet presented any hope of fight back the aliens.  Nothing fancy and high-tech have been demonstrated other than the mothership and the surveillance jacket.  The surveillance jacket is really stupid.  If the alien's technology is so advanced that they can come across the universe to visit Earth, why can't they just filter all the information on Internet and intercept all the useful images/videos?  What's the use of those stupid surveillance jacket?

Another question about the alien, is that if they have the body of insect inside human's skin, how can they pass the X-ray or other scan monitors like in airport or other facilities?  I don't think they have mimic all the inner organ and skeleton of human, based on the fact that their body inside are not human.

Anyway, this Tv drama seems interesting, but it is not as good as I thought.  I may still keep an eye on it and download the new episode, if I am available then.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Tower building for United Way activities

This noon we had a tower building competition as part of the United Way activities in this week.

Each team was given 15 pieces of newspaper and one scotch tape and you have to build a tower as high as possible with an empty Coke can on top.  This is a fun event for engineers.
Some team builds "X" shaped tower, some team uses complicated small column like structure. I used the same strategy we used last year to build a tower of cone shape. It looks like one column standing on the floor.  The challenging part is how to make it stand free as it is just one long stick.  Basically we just roll one or two pieces of newspaper into a tight roll and band them together using the tape to form a long stick.  The lower part of the stick should be stronger than the upper to support the tower.

I built the tower about 2 meters high.  Then I tried to create a strong base for it to stand free.  The base is quite challenging as it has to be strong and stable.  I created a triangle cone structure and tried to get it balanced with the upper long stick.  However, it failed to stand free as the base is not level.  The upper part tilt left and right. When the time was up, my tower still can't stand free. It's quite frustrating when you had built a beautiful tower with known working structure but it can't stand free. :-(  I eventually made it stand free by removing the stupid base I created.  The tower itself with the leveled lower part can stand free!!  However, as the time was over.  I had only earned 20 points for our team for building a tower, not earned the bonus points of height.  Anyway, our team had built another second highest tower among all and got 30 bonus points.  As a team, we didn't lose anyway. :-)

Actually, the email I sent out yesterday to provoke participation worked well as our team had 4 people showed up this noon and some other teams didn't even participate in the game.
See, the economy crisis hits everyone and people have no mood to take part in this fun United Way activities.  I remember that past several years we had more people working on the competition. The donation we got so far is way less than last year I believe.  The charity will have to go through a tougher winter.  I have made my contribution with 30% more than last year.

Best wishes to all charities.

btw , all facebook users can vote for their favorite charity to help them get $50,000 from a community giving program.

Some links here, to support Chinese children.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Salty Duck

I have made a salty duck (盐水鸭) again tonight.  This is my second try and it's a success.

Just got the recipe from Internet. Here is the version I used, maybe the first English version. :-)

* A fresh duck 2lbs, better to get a smaller duck without too much fat.
* Prepare the salt.  Put 100g salt and 20g Sichuan pepper into the pan and heated until the salt turns a bit brown and you can smell the pepper.
* Marinate the duck thoroughly both inside and out with salt and Sichuan pepper. Put into the lower chamber of fridge for 24-48 hours.  The longer, the salty. So, it's up to you.  My first try was 48 hours and a bit salty for me.  So, this time is around 36 hours and it's just okay for me.
* Wash the duck to get rid of all salt and pepper after 24-48 hours.
* Boil a pot of water and put the duck into the pot when water is boiled.  The duck should be submerged into the water totally. Put the lid on.  You may put a slice of ginger and some cooking liquor in the water.
* Turn the oven to low, like 2, for 10 minutes, after the water is boiled again.  The water shouldn't be boiled too much, just a little bit.  In this case, the skin of the duck won't be damaged.
* Turn off the oven and keep the duck in the pot for 20 minutes. The duck is still being cooked by the boiled water.
* Take out the duck and cool the duck with ice water or put into the upper chamber of the fridge for 5-10 minutes.
* You can now cut the duck into pieces and enjoy. :-)

No time to take photos, so I just paste a picture found on the Internet here.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

ppstream box

I went to a friend's place last night and watched a movie with his newly built entertainment center.  The main working horse of his entertainment center is a PC running ppstream.  I have known for a long time that ppstream is a very popular p2p media streaming client with huge amount of content in China. He can choose any channel and watch movie in ppstream and project them using a projector.  What's surprised me is the quality of the movie.  It looks like HD quality, maybe 480/720p.  It's not bad when it is projected to a big screen.  The network experience is smooth, no lagging or any noticeable artifacts for one and half hours. Maybe this is due to the movie we watched is a quite hot one recently with a lot of seeds available.

Although I am not a big fan of ppstream, as it stupidly requires Chinese version of Windows to be installed,  the simplicity and smooth network performance did impress me.  As an embedded engineer, I thought that it would be interesting to come up with a simple box wrapped the ppstream or other kind of media player and sell them to North American Chinese community.  But the OS has to be Windows. All you need is just a network cable and you can go watching thousands of Tv programs and movies online.  However, the content is not legally provided by content providers.  So, I have no idea how can you sell those kind of product in NA. Maybe to port ppstream to some other platform, say arm, is not a bad idea if the source is available.  I just found that ppstream does provide a Linux version using mplayer as the player.  Let me give it a shot.

Run 400m

Not thrilled by the chilly weather this morning, I went out around 11am for an interval training today.  A bit of tiny hail assaulted the field during the warm-up. A team of high schooler is training on their game that I can name it. Everyone has a stick with net and throw/catch the ball with the net.

I decided to try the "Yasso 800" cruise interval today.  This is to run 800m in 3:30 minutes if your target marathon time is 3:30:00, which is my next target.  I did 4x800m, with 400m jogging in between.  Haven't yet checked the heart rate.

I then tried to run a 400m. It is the first time I tried to test my 400m running.  The first loop takes about 1:23 and the second loop takes 1:29.  Holy, the 400m is truly a challenging distance.  I felt exhausted just after 200m and struggled to keep breathing in the last 100m.  The second try was even worse.  I almost gave up after 200m.  I breathed heavily and my legs were sore.  Man, it's definitely a hard training to run an all-out 400m.  I checked the heart rate monitor at the end of the 400m.  It reached almost 168 bpm.

I just checked the mcmillan running calculator.  If I can finish my marathon in 3:42:00, which I believe is a reasonable time given I ran extra 400~600 meters last time in 3:44:00, I can run my 400m in 1:21.  That's a perfect prediction.   Vice versa, if I can run 400m in 1:21, I should be able to finish marathon in 3:42:00.  This calculator works like magic.   It's totally based on my current fitness level.  I will definitely use it as a reference to guide my further training. 

What's disappointing is that it predicts that my 10k will be finished in 47:19.  However, I have set my goal of the next 10k to 45:00.  Looks like that I have to improve my fitness level and train harder to reach this goal.  Maybe do some more VO2max trainings.  If I can finish my 10k in 45:00, it predicts that I should be able to finish the marathon in 3:31:xx, which is my target as well.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Body building anatomy and heart rate zones

I took today off following the Remembrance day statuary holiday. Tomorrow will be off as well. Wow!

Got up at around 10am this morning, I felt a bit guilty as I had just tried to establish a new habit of getting up earlier last night.  My excuse is that I worked out last night and was excited reading couple of body building books. Leg felt a bit of soreness this morning and I decided to listen to my body when I was laid on the bed. Anyway, it is obviously hard to get rid of an old habit, even for just a day. :-)

I tidied up my home this morning.  Everything had been messed around for a while. In the noon, I went out to for a run. My plan was to run 8 miles. But I had to come back home after 4 miles due to the strike of my intestine. A bio-break is not bad, anyway.  I kept running for another 4 miles. Not fully recovered from the 8 miles run yesterday, my pace is noticeably slower than yesterday.  Anyway, it's an easy/recovery run. You are supposed to run most of your mile in a week easily as today.

The sun shine really lighted up my run today.  I met a lot of runners along the road.  Seems the sun shine did a good job of alluring people out of their offices.

Last night, I was reading the following body building anatomy book.  It addresses some of my questions hovered for a while. I will try some new moves tonight to exercise my muscles.

I started to used the heart rate monitor to monitor my training recently.  The heart rate of today and yesterday's easy runs fall into the 60%-70% heart rate zone.  That's the zone of typical easy/recover runs. I also checked the heart rate of the so-called "interval" run of last Tuesday. The faster pace did boost the heart rate to the 70%-80% zone. That worked.  However, I was doubting why the interval training wasn't as hard as I expected.  The heart rate explained that the interval run I performed was just a tempo interval, not a full sprint interval, which should set the heart rate to 80%-90% zone.  The heart rate zone is quite actuate and useful in measuring the running effort. Here is a useful link of the Heart rate zones. I'd keep using the heart rate monitor to monitor my training in a more scientific training, I hope.

Based on my research and the current fitness level, I'd list my running pace and heart rate zone here for record.

Rest heart rate: 60 bpm
Maximum heart rate: 188 bpm
Weekly mileage: 25-35 mile per week
  • Recovery run
    • pace: 6:00 min/km
    • heart rate zone: < 70% (<150 bpm)
  •  Easy run, long run
    • pace: 5:00 - 6:00 min/km
    • heart rate zone: 67%-77% (146-159 bpm)
    • 80-90% of the weekly mileage
  • Tempo run, tempo interval, Cruise interval
    • pace: 4:00 - 4:15 min/km
    • heart rate zone: 77%-83% (159-166 bpm)
    • Tempo interval is for beginners, Sprint interval is of experienced runners
  • Sprint, Sprint interval
    • pace: 3:30 - 4:00 min/km
    • heart rate zone: 82%-88% (165-173 bpm)
    • No more than once a week, no more than 10-15% of the total mileage.
    • 2.5-4.5 miles a week.
  • All out
    • pace: ??
    • heart rate zone: 95%-98% (182-185 bpm)
    • No more than once a week, no more than 4-8% of the total mileage.
    • I haven't yet tried this kind of training.
    • 1-2 miles a week

The above list is based on my estimate and only a few data collected, especially the Tempo run and Sprint run, as I haven't done much these two kinds of training.  I'd collect more data later and update this list.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The power of habit

Quickly read a translated book called "The power of habit" today, I decide to write something about my thought.  I have long believed that good habits will shape the thoughts and characters of a person.  A proverb, don't remember who said, but I believed is "a action will become a habit, a habit will become a character, a character will become a success".  This book spurs my action immediately.  This post.

To create a new habit to overcome an old habit. I think that I should take some actions. One step at a time.  The following is a short list of what I don't like to do but I thought it should be good to do.

* get up earlier, at least no late than 8am (I get up at around 9am everyday, too late)
* write something/blog everyday (I don't like writing since I was a kid)
* my own business plan and action (I have planned for a long time but the action is far behind the plan)

To encourage myself, I listed some of good habits I recently created.

* exercise everyday (running, weight, or ab)
* have breakfast
* eat less in dinner time
* weight watching
* reading books

I'll start with get-up earlier and writing at first. Let me insist for at least 21 days and see the results.

To do something that you usually hate to do.  Like reviewing my writing, I hate it but I just did it with this post and it is really useful to correct the errors.  I just remember an episode in "Seinfield" that George decide to do the opposite of what his initial response.  It's funny and interesting.  His anti-self action landed him a dreaming job in NY Yankee and a girlfriend. :-)  The reality may not be that dramatic, but we could at least learn something from it.