Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Busy day and "Never give-up"

I was working on the new toolchain today.  I've created scripts to build the buildroot-2009 toolchain and modified our build system to take this new toolchain as an option.  I've tried to build an image and the image built successfully with the new toolchain, although I haven't yet tested it.

I just sit there and working on my program the whole day, not much time to even get up for some water, before I realized that I was quite thirsty then.

Anyway, I can get an initial version to start with.

Just another discussion tonight with Linda about how to make thing happen when there is a lot of red tapes or hurdles.  The scene from my favorite movie "Shawshank's Redemption", when Andy received the first bunch of books from the government after he kept writing letters to them for a couple of years, jumped out of my brain immediately.  There is a lot real cases happened in our life or we learned from our friends that you can really facilitate some thing like immigration, visa application, or make things possible from seemingly impossible, like getting a job by keep trying and trying.  I believe that it is the spirit of insistence that eventually worked.

To overcome hurdles, to bypass red tapes, to pursuit girls, to overturn the initial refusal, if you keep trying and insist, you may eventually turns things from impossible to possible.  That's the power of "never give-up", which is also the spirit of Xu SanDuo in "Solder Sortie" Tv drama.

Sometimes, miracles may never happed, but most of the times,  you will gain something.  After all, you have nothing to lose if you got the refusal already.

I've also learned from running marathon, that if you keep running and have a good preparation, for a man like me who had never demonstrated any telnet or interest in sports, can eventually finish the marathon with a time I am proud of.

But don't forget a good preparation is also the foundation of the final success.

“不抛弃,不放弃”, 这是钢七连的精神,也是值得我们每个人学习的。

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