Friday, July 15, 2005

setup qmail

I have spent the whole day to work on the qmail server and finally got it done!

Now, my mutt works fine on my freebsd machine, which receives email from the imap server and deliver email through my local qmail server.
The qmail server relays every email to the smtp server in the cs department, which requires smtp auth over SSL/TLS.

The SMTP AUTH over SSL/TLS really causes a big trouble to me, because I was struggling to grab and save the certificate from the server. However, I failed. But, without the local storage of the certificate, the qmail-remote (the program relays email to other smtp server) still works!

All my effort haven't been wasted. I've got a better understanding of SMTP and MUA/MTA/mail relay now. I also spend a lot of time trying to figure out the TLS/SSL certificate related to the smtp protocol. Oh, man. It's so complicated.

I've fixed a bug in the qmail-send-auth-tls patch. (A simple sig. fault)

Played with the muttrc file, I've changed the "From" field in the email header from "" to "". Thus, everything works fine now. Bravo!

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