Monday, March 28, 2005

studying perl lwp modules

I spend about 1.5 hours tonight studying the perl LWP modules, by playing with the HTTP::Request,
HTTP::Headers, HTTP::Response, HTTP::Message modules in my little utitlity 'now'.

'now' is my little perl utility to retrieve the "now playing" items from various online radio websites, including and

It basically gets the html page and print out the current playing title, filtering by regex.
I also pop-up a xmessage window to notify the latest title.

Oh, forget to mention my favoriate online radio site, However, due to the "Server Full" problem, I have not listened to it recently.
I used to have another perl script to retreve the current title playing in It's broken though.

Anyway, tonight's practice gives me more insight about http procotol, although I claimed to be proficient of it. :)

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